Friday, December 27, 2019

3 Signs Your Boss is in Over Her Head

3 Signs Yur Boss is in Over Her Head3 Signs Your Boss is in Over Her HeadIll be the first to admit it Managing a team, especially for the first time, isnt easy. There are about a zillion different things youre responsible for and often no one there to train you on the nitty gritty- which means youre left to your own devices when it comes to learning the ropes.And asking for help is a delicate process, so many managers do their best to figure things out on their own.While this can be overwhelming for managers, it can also be pretty frustrating if yourethe one reporting to a boss whos still getting up to speed. After all, most of us expect our managers to have all the answers, bedrngnis the other way around, right?The good news is, you may have just the tools and knowledge she needs to help her- if you can recognize the signs. Here are a few hints your manager may be in over her head and what you can do to help you both stay afloat.Sign 1 Nothing Gets Done When Youre Out of the OfficeE arly on in my career, I had the unfortunate luck to get sick with Strep throat. It was unexpected for both me and my boss, which meant neither of us had a chance to prepare. He told me to take care of myself and get well soon, and that I shouldnt worry about work. What a great bossWell, when I returned several days later, a pile of unread fernkopiereres (yes, it was that long ago), an angrily blinking voicemail light on my phone, and unread emails I didnt think I would ever get through awaited. In other words, none of my work was touched while I was gone.Thats when I realized that my manager, who was recently promoted, didnt quite know what he was doing- he could barely find the fax machine, let alone figure out how to use it. While part of me wanted to gloat, knowing he literally couldnt survive more than a week without me, the better part of me knew it was best for both of us if I gave him a few pointers- covertly, of course.I prepared a binder outlining just about everything I di d on a daily basis, including contacts and how to handle common issues. Once it was ready, I presented it to my boss and asked if he would mind reviewing it and providing input. Not only was he pleased with my foresight, he was able to easily get a better handle on the nuts and bolts of what I did. Which not only made him appreciate me more, it ended up making him a better manager.If you find that the work just isnt getting done- whether youve been out of the office or not- consider the possibility that your manager isnt as well-versed in your teams duties as you are, and see how you can help bring her up to speed. Chances are, your manger has more responsibilities than she can count, and learning what everyone does is part of the process. By making it easy for her to learn about how you contribute, youll make your lives a lot easier and set you both up for success.Sign 2 Her Door is Always ClosedIts no secret how I feel about a constantly closed door in the office. When used too of ten, it can send a negative message to the team, and it does little to foster a collaborative environment. But, it can also indicate you may have a boss whos trying to hide from her responsibilities.Several years ago, I was working on a high-profile project with my manager. Everyone from the head of our office to the CEO of the company was carefully monitoring our progress. It was incredibly stressful for me, but I knew no one would blame me if things went wrong- that honor was reserved for my manager.After a grueling week of intense meetings, I expected to see her mingling with the team and making sure things were running smoothly. But instead, I found her almost constantly behind closed doors, despite the fact she had no meetings on her schedule. When I poked my head in to see her poring over the materials wed presented, I realized she was just trying to get her arms around the project.From that point on, I made a point of stopping by on a regular basis each day, giving her succin ct updates on my progress, and making sure she was aware I was available to help (while still acknowledging she may just need some alone time to power through, of course).If you notice that your otherwise engaged manager is suddenly sequestered behind closed doors, its quite possible shes just trying to get a handle on a challenging situation. By making sure she knows youre taking care of your responsibilities and that youre available to help out, chances shell be back to enforcing her open-door policy in no time.Sign 3 She Doesnt Address Performance or Disciplinary IssuesMost people avoid confrontation, but as a manager, thats part of the gig. So, when I noticed my manager was completely avoiding an underperforming team member several years back, I didnt realize part of the reason was simply due to the fact he didnt know how to handle the situation.After the employee in question had made several pretty major mistakes, I finally bolstered the courage to do my own bit of confrontatio n and shared my concerns with my boss. As soon as he understood the issue wasnt just impacting him, he realized it was time for him to step in and have the uncomfortable- yet necessary- conversation. My boss later thanked me for being honest, and admitted he wasnt quite sure how to handle addressing a wertmiger zuwachs issue- he had been avoiding it because hed assumed he was the only one whod noticed.While directly addressing a performance issue may not be your role, its important for your boss to understand when his or her lack of leadership is impacting the team. No one likes to tell people theyre missing the mark, which means sometimes, we all need a little nudge to do what needs to be done. Even managers.While the title manager may imply omnipresence, the reality is, your manager could probably benefit from your guidance and expertise on occasion. In the same way youd expect your manager to step in when she sees you struggling, take the time to recognize signs of stress in your manager as well. By showing her youre committed to the success of everyone on the team, chances are shell do the same.Photo of stressed manager courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How You Can Develop a Code of Conduct for Your Company

How You Can Develop a Code of Conduct for Your CompanyHow You Can Develop a Code of Conduct for Your CompanyA Code of Conduct is a written collection of the rules, principles,values, and employee expectations, behavior, and relationships that an organization considers significant and believes are fundamental to their successful operation. A Code of Conduct enumerates those standards and values that make an organization remarkable and that enable it to stand out from similar organizations. The Code of Conduct is named by an organization to reflect the culture that is present in the organization and to make a statement. The written code of conduct provides guidance for employees, customers, and any other stakeholders as to what is deemed most significant, valued, and desirable in relationships, interactions, and the organizations worldview. The Purpose of the Code of Conduct While Code of Conduct is a popular title for this written document and its series of expectations, other com panies call it their Code of Business Ethics, Code of Ethical Business Conduct and Code of Ethics and Standards. The last is popular in professional associations. No matter what an organization calls it, the Code of Conduct serves as a framework for ethical decision making within an organization. The Code of Conduct is a communication tool that informs internal and external stakeholders aboutwhat is valued by a particular organization, its employees, and management. The Code of Conduct is the heart and soul of a company. Think of a Code of Conduct as an in-depth view of what an organization believes and how the employees of an organization see themselves and their relationship with each other and the rest of the world. The Code of Conduct paints a picture of how employees, customers, partners, and suppliers can expect to be treated as a result. Developmentof the Code of Conduct All sorts of organizations develop a Code of Conduct. Companies develop a Code of Conduct to promulgat e principles and ethics that will make them attractive to customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Non-profits create a Code of Conduct for these reasons and to ensure that employees and clients understand and trust theirmissionof service.Professional associationsdevelop Codes of Conduct for similar reasons and to suggest standards for ethical behavior across an industry and in the professional behavior of its members. Several examples of a Code of Conduct were so powerful in guiding the behavior, standards, and ethics of an organization that they became famous in and of themselves. At Johnson Johnson, for example, Robert Wood Johnson, company chairman from 1932 to 1963 and a member of the organizations founding family,wrote their famous Credoin 1943. William Hewlett and David Packard long managed Hewlett-Packard (HP)The HP Way. A Code of Conduct can also be a document that details an organizations expectations and requirements of their vendors, suppliers, and partners. Also c ommonly called a supplier code of ethics, the Code of Conduct lays the groundwork for the organizations relationship with its partners. For example, Apples (and the Electronics Industrys)Supplier Code of Conductstates that Apple is committed to ensuring that working conditions in Apples supply chain are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible. Another frequent component of the Code of Conduct for suppliers is that they are discouraged from offering gifts to employees who, by their Code of Conduct, are unable to accept them lest there be any questionable use of their services. Develop and Integrate the Code of Conduct A Code of Conduct is written by an executive team developed by a cross-section of employees from various functions or designed by organization development, corporate communications, marketing, supplier relationships, and/or Human Resources staff, depending on the organization and its i nternal mode of operation andmanagement style. A Code of Conduct that is developed either by a powerful, esteemed executive, often also the owner, or by a cross-section of employees sans such an executives influence, is easier to incorporate and integrate. It is mora likely to affect the actual beliefs and operation of an organization. The Code of Conduct will more likely achieve full implementation and integration within the organization when more stakeholders are involved in its creation. Like the process recommended for the development, alignment, and communication of anorganizations valuesor theintegration of a strategic plan, participation contributes to the successful integration of a Code of Conduct. Use these same recommended steps for your process to develop your Code of Conduct. Disseminate the Code of Conduct A Code of Conduct is published and disseminated to its employees, and to existing and potential stakeholders such as members of the board of directors, customers , partners, vendors, suppliers,potential employees, and the general public. It is the image that the company wants to convey to these stakeholders about who the company is and what these stakeholders can expect in terms of value-driven treatment. Frequently posted on the organizations website and in their annual report to shareholders, the Code of Conduct is both an internal commitment to a standard of behavior and beliefs and a public declaration of the organizations sttte on a set of standards, values, principles, and beliefs See Codes of Conduct Examples Here are several remarkable examples of codes of conduct, that are available online, to provide guidance as you develop your employee and company code of conduct. Googles Code of ConductCoca-Cola Code of Business ConductHershey Code of Ethical Business Conduct

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

500 Irish Created A Resume For Saint Patrick. Here It Is!

500 Irish Created A Resume For Saint Patrick. Here It Is500 Irish Created A Resume For Saint Patrick. Here It IsThis post was updated on 17th MarchIts here The best day of the year for anyone who has at least a little bit of Irish blood running through their veins. Everything and everyone turns green and you meet all the friends you havent seen in donkeys ears And hey, you can have that pint of Guinness at 1030 am and nobody will give you the judgy eye The best part for many is finally getting lucky with the girl who wears Kiss me, Im Irish T-shirtTo celebrate this joyful tradition in a non-traditional way, around two weeks ago we gave you a chance to join the process of crafting Saint Patricks resume. Why did we need your help? Well, nobody knows Saint Patrick better than you the IrishHow did it end up?First of all, do you celebrate Saint Patricks Day? If yes, youre smack-dab in the right place to see how others prep themselvesWe announced the campaign 2 weeks ago. We wanted to giv e all the Irish the opportunity to contribute and create the very first community-generated resume for their patron saint. After the announcement, comments and suggestions started rolling in instantly.People were leaving their suggestions by clicking on sections they thought needed to be changed. After leaving a comment, everyone could share the resume with their friends via Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or Messenger.We reviewed the comments and made the proposed changes on a daily basis. Here is the final version of Saint Patricks resume Let me repeat myself here it was created by more than 500 IrishThank you for your feedbackNow gather round ye lads and lasses, set ye for a while And tell us your own mournful tale about the Emerald IsleWe want to thank you for your input Finally, Saint Patrick has a resume created by over 500 Irish. It really shows the world why the history behind this man binds your nation.SlintePrevious popular resumes created by Marissa Mayers featured in Busine ss InsiderBarack Obamas featured in The Hill Tatiana Rehmova A glass half-full kind of a girl and a believer that everything happens for a reason. Loves writing, editing and researching the newest ways of doing things.Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName * Email * Website Subscribe now for moreSee more great content and inspiring examples of resumes done right each month. Subscribe Youre subscribed Latest posts See all posts by Eric D. Halsey The Resumes of Chernobyl by Eric D. Halsey 4 Ways Creativity Can Improve Your Resume by Katherine (Tori) LutzHow to Create a First Year Elementary School Teacher Resume

Thursday, December 12, 2019

3 ways smart people prepare for a dangerous commute

3 ways smart people prepare for a dangerous commute3 ways smart people prepare for a dangerous commuteOn Monday, New York City subway riders experienced a commuters worst nightmare.Riders got stuck on a subway train with no air conditioning and no lights for about 45 minutes due to a severe maintenance malfunction, the trains conductor said, according to one of the trapped riders.Packed and sweaty, stuck in a hot tunnel without air or the possibility of communication, one bright spot was that passengers banded together.Some people started getting faint, and we started to identify any elderly people or pregnant women on the car who were standing or needed water so they could sit and drink, Michael Sciaraffo, one of the trapped riders, wrote on Facebook.It got so humidon the underground train that one passengerwrote I will survive onthe window through thecondensation.According to Sciaraffo, passengers used whatever they had, including books and umbrellas, to prop open windows to get mo ra ventilation. After the conductor announced what had happened,Sciaraffo said ridersbegan to discuss making decisions about how we were going to evacuate, who would go first and who would need help.Journalist Hilary Saunders, another trapped rider, said that people in her car also helped each other There was active teamwork in opening windows and checking the end doors for openings. People in this car were remarkably supportive of one another.Eventually, the train made it to the next station - after a train behind it slowly pushed it, like a car that had run out of gas. But there were still about ten minutes until the door could be opened. In that time, one woman captured the desperation of fingers and hands pulling and prying at the door to get it open.Thankfully, no one was injured. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority said it isinvestigatingthe incident and it has pulled the train out of service. But the incident is a reminder that small and big disasters can strike anyone at any time- even during the most inconvenient times ofcommuting to and from work at rush hour. Heres what you should have on you at all times in these moments.1. What to have to keep your body healthyCarry a full bottle of water with you at all times. We can survive three weeks without food, but only about a week without water- and thats in normal conditions, not in broiling underground temperatures. 60% of our bodies are made of H2O and its what lubricates our joints, regulates our body temperatures and keeps us alive. Portable non-perishable snacks are also good to pack with you on your commute,particularly if you deal with low blood sugar.With those modest supplies,next time you find yourself stranded, you can relax knowing that you dont need to find food and water. And if you end up having more than you need, you can give it to someone else who may be struggling.2. What to have to keep your mind saneBeing trapped in a car or stuck in miles-long traffic can bringout the worst in us. When youre using public transportation, all it takes one rolles bad behavior to set everyone else off and create chaos. The riders on that doomed F train are a model example of people keeping their cool in a difficult situation. They worked together to keep people from overheating and acted with compassion. When one woman needed to disrobe to save herself from overheating, passengers helped cover her from view, according toSciaraffo.How you can stay calm take deep breaths and keep your phone charged for your commute. Soothing music or playing games can distract us from the chaos we cannot control in front of us. You can also read (or listen to) books on long commutes. If youre a gamer, SelectAll has provided a list of the best smartphone games that you dontneed internet connection to play and are distracting enough to demand some, but not all of your attention.An excellent option carry an emergency charger for your technological devices, like a Mophieor small USB device thats light and fits easily into a bag. It helps if youre not panicking about running out of the last few bars on your phone.Also wahlfrei a small flashlight or keylight. Its bad enough to be stranded, but being in the dark as well can be dangerous and increase your sense of panic. A small, light LED on a keychain can be a comfort.3. Dont rely on technologyIn case of emergencies, be prepared to lose all power to your devices. I only know about three family members phone numbers by heart, and if disaster should strike to my car, I need to call AAA, not my father. Write down your emergency contacts on a piece of paper you can keep in your wallet or purse it will also be helpful if you faint or get sick, so that other people need to know who to call for you.You can pack a portable mobile charger for your phone when you know youll be traveling with no outlet in sight. If youre in a car, its good to keep a jack, spare tire, and jumper cables. As these Reddit stories show us, a jumper cable ca n make all the difference between being stranded and going on your merry way.Above all, be prepared to think practically. In his book The Checklist Manifesto, author Atul Gawande notes that airplane pilots usually have a series of steps that they follow carefully on every flight. At the top of the checklist for emergency situations Keep flying the plane. When disaster strikes, we can forget what were doing. Its important to stay clear-headed and focused.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

What You Dont Know About Walmart Resume Paper

What You Dont Know About Walmart Resume Paper Walmart Resume Paper Can Be Fun for Everyone Hourly folks get a little bit mora free play and arent required to wear a collar shirt. Comfort, obviously, is equally as essential as styling. Linen will offer your resume a professional look and provides a great texture. Plain paper is almost always a safe option. Paper with a laid finish was designed to emulate the manner paper looked when it was initially invented. The Good, the Bad and Walmart Resume Paper Ask questions regarding the total amount of hours youre expected to work, the employee benefits on offer, and the aims of the company during the upcoming few months. There are a lot of things to consider and most importantly, is the trustworthiness of the service you decide to use. There are a number of reasons why you ought to prefer our services. When deciding what to include, you should begin by thinking about the nature of your prospective employers, your degree of experie nce, and the abilities and certifications desired. Walmart Resume Paper - the Story But if youre asking for a creative job, like a graphic designer or advertising account executive, it may be more important to stick out through creativity in color choice. Secondly, we are a seasoned agency. Many trustworthy writing services are eager to provide essay help. Its the best option youve got if you genuinely want to complete your assignments punctually. General cover every sort of job resumes end up in the circular file, and arent considered if there are many resumes. This section is intended to provide the hiring manager all the information that they will need to establish if your resume is a keeper, or destined for the trash can. You might want to continue to keep your resumes in a folder to make certain that they are neat and tidy. The procedure for buchening our services has been made simple by using simple measures that are simple to follow along with. This is a web site tha t has left space for a number of improvements in terms of consumer assistance, but nonetheless, it definitely has the potential of becoming one of the most popular essay writing services on the internet. Learn more on the subject of ourreview approach. Download it for free and fill your own personal info to create a comprehensive application form. Bad quality resume paper will make you stumble across schlumpy and slouchy. But if youre asking for a creative Wheree, like a graphic designer or advertising account executive, it may be more rexume to stick out through creativity in color choice. In addition, we offer to ease a number of the pressure that includes intense academic studies and give you some spare moment. Arrange them depending on their strengths to attain a smooth flow. Introducing Walmart Resume Paper Your resume is probably the very first thing a possible employer will see before interviewing you, its vital to print it into a way thats crisp and professional. T his retail cashier resume would be perfect for you whether youve earned an enormous bunch of experience in a variety of elements of your job. Just do good research for reliable provider, and you arent going to regret your choice. On-line job applications are simpler to fill out, and you may do so in the comfort of your own house, but If youre searching for a part-time summer job at walmart then youre definitely in the appropriate location. Life After Walmart Resume Paper Your orders will be done exactly as you desire. Everybody gets you could receive a job for a cashier and work your way up in the corporation. In any case, youll certainly like our price policy. Everything about your resume is selling one product you and if you want to work in retail, you want to prove that you understand just what it requires to sell yourself. It is the obligation of the sales associate to create customers feel comfortable. Customer support The customer support is surely something this servi ce should work on. He will know the price of the order before they place it and make it definite. The signage needs to be located at each corner and turn to make directing customers very straightforward. You will get unique texts, which will be finished in time. All the work ought to be used in compliance with the ideal policies and applicable laws. When you are in need of a confidence push in front of a huge presentation. Its quite easy to use together with self explanatory.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Live and learn working with children

Live and learn working with children Live and learn working with childrenPosted October 2, 2013, by Julia WattersI seem to be the black sheep in my family. With a mother who works in early childhood education and two sisters who are primary school teachers, I am the only woman in my family who doesnt work with children. While I could argue that some people Ive had to work with during my career have acted like children, the distinction remains.And the teaching tradition doesnt stop there my extended family tree is littered with educators. Its a fact that Im fairly proud of, as I believe it sits under the banner of noble professions, right alongside medical professionals and UN ambassadors.After all, teaching is something that most people have had direct experience with. Its the profession that allows the rest of us to get ur own profession by equipping us with the skills and qualifications we need.You might think that the learning process doesnt begin until school but youd be mistake n. Realistically, ur learning journey begins when we take our first breath and start to grapple with the world outside the one we just spent the last cosy nine months in.From there we begin to form motor skills, recognition and response, and language. For most of us, our parents take the time to nurture and encourage these developments. Many children also experience childcare in some form or another, especially as modern parents become more time-poor. For me, it was preschool and it was fun, fun, fun What I didnt realise is that all those play activities, those stories, that outdoor equipment it all had a purpose. Its called pedagogy.Pedagogy is the science and art of learning and is used to create an effective framework for all stages of education. Childcare centres, while a convenience for working parents, are placing more importance on preparing children for school. This is reflected by new government requirements for qualified teaching staff and better staffchild ratios in long day care and pre-school centres. My mum delights in helping children ready themselves for big school and shes very aware of the difference it can make in their transition.I may not remember my first day of school but I remember my kindergarten teacher. Her name was Mrs Douglas and she was one of the loveliest and most patient people Ive ever met. Actually, looking back on all my primary school teachers, I have to admire their tolerance and attitude. They were the reason both my sistersto follow a career in teaching and why I have nothing but respect and admiration for their decision.If youre interested in a teaching career, youll need formal training and there are plenty of courses to choose from, like the Bachelor of Education (Primary). Who knows, you may just inspire one of your students to become a teacher tooEducation ResourcesTESOL teacher sample resumeTESOL teacher sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesDavid Berger - Floristry Teacher at TAFE NSWOya Demirbilek - Associate Dean (Education) at UNSW Built EnvironmentAndy McKilliam - ESL Teacher, South KoreaInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerTeam LeaderHuman Resources ManagerEarly Childhood TeacherCommunity WorkerPopular Career Searchesdiploma for children services for 6 monthsnight school courses perth watesol courses government fundedkindergarten assistant courses melbournehow to become a primary school principal in australiaEducation CoursesBachelor of Education (Primary)Enquire Online Enquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate IV in Education SupportEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineJulia WattersRelated ArticlesBrowse moreEducationQuality in qualifications how the childcare industry is changingFind out what changes to qualifications and ratios are occurring in the childcare sector and what this means for job opportunities.Online studyBest places to study an education courseChoosing a course can be difficult so weve don e some of the research for you with our top picks for your study area. Heres what we think are the best Australian education/teaching courses on offer.EducationTeach. Lead. Inspire How To Become A TeacherWe can all recall, from our many years of schooling, that one unique teacher who inspired us to learn and made homework seem less of a chore.